The day has come when you get to take home your French Bulldog!
Whether you adopt or purchase from a breeder, finding the perfect name for your French Bulldog is a great first step in welcoming the new addition to your family.
Frenchies are known for their strong personalities, and their name should be no different.
In this guide, we will cover an extensive list of possible French bulldog names, along with a few helpful tips for picking the perfect option! I’ve bolded some of my favorites!
300+ French Bulldog Name Ideas
- A: Ace, Abilene, Addy, Adeline, Aerin, Aidan, Aideen, Aileen, Ainsly, Aindrea, Aiken, Airell, Aislin, Aisling, Alabama, Alayna, Albany, Alcott, Alexander, Alia, Aline, Alice, Allie, Alma, Alvin, Amaryllis, Ames, Amelia, Amelie, Amis, Amory, Anais, Anderson, Andre, Annie, Aofie, Aphra, Apolline, Apollo, Arabella, Aramis, Archer, Ardal, Ardara, Aria, Ariel, Arlo, Artan, Arwen, Arya, Arvada, Ashling, Asia, Athens, Atticus, Auden, August, Auric, Aorora, Austen, Auster, Author, Aveline, Aven, Azusa
- B: Bailey, Baldwin, Bambi, Banagher, Bandit, Barley, Barnaby, Barry, Basil, Bathsheba, Batman, Baxter, Bear, Beatrice, Beatrix, Beaux, Beckett, Becks, Behan, Bella, Bell, Berwyn, Bindi, Bolt, Bowie, Blaine, Blue, Brea, Breeda, Brend, Brendan, Brendon, Brennan, Brett, Brian, Briana, Briar, Brick, Bridget, Bridgit, Bridie, Brie, Briley, Briony, Bristol, Brody, Brogan, Brom, Bronte, Bruce, Bruno, Brutus, Bryant, Bryna, Bubba, Buddy, Bunny, Burger, Buster, Byatt, Byron
- C: Caelan, Cain, Cait, Caitlyn, Cali, Callahan, Callen, Camille, Cupucine, Carey, Cargan, Carlin, Carlow, Carole, Carr, Carrigan, Carson, Carver, Carmel, Casey, Cash, Cashel, Cashew, Cassidy, Cataline, Cathleen, Cato, Catriona, Cavan, Cayleen, Ceara, Celste, ChaCha, Champ, Chance, Chanlder, Chanel, Charity, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Charmain, Chase, Caviar, Cheese, Cheever, Chester, Chevonne, Chi, Chia, Chicago, Chico, Chloe, Christophe, Cian, Cianna, Ciar, Ciara, Cillian, Clive, Cinderella, Clancy, Clarice, Clarissa, Clea, Clelia, Clem, Clemence, Coco, Cody, Colette, Colt, Conan, Conley, Connell, Conner, Connery, Connor, Conrad, Conway, Cookie, Cooper, Copper, Coralie, Cordelia, Corey, Corinne, Cormac, Corrigan, Cosette, Costa, Crane, Crepe, Cressida, Crecan, Crow, Cullen, Cunningham, Curran, Curry, Czar
- D: Dahlia, Daire, Daisy, Dakota, Dallas, Damian, Daniel, Daniella, Dani, Dante, Daphne, Darcy, Darl, Darra, Darren, Dash, David, Davie, Declan, Deidra, Deirdra, Delma, Delphine, Dempsey, Denver, Dermot, Derry, Desdemona, Desi, Desmond, Devan, Devlin, Dexter, Dierdra, Diesel, Dixon, Dixie, Djon, Doherty, Dolan, Domenica, Don, Donahue, Donnan, Donnelly, Donovan, Donut, Dooley, Dora, Doreen, Dorian, Doyle, Downey, Duane, Dublin, Duff, Duffy, Dugan, Duke, Dutch, Dunstan, Dylan
- E: Eden, Edith, Edmund, Edward, Echo, Eileen, Einstein, Eire, Eleonore, Elish, Ellery, Ellis, Ellison, Elodie, Eloise, Elsa, Elvis, Emerson, Emile, Emily, Emma, Emmanuelle, Enid, Ennis, Enya, Erin, Emse, Emperor, Esmee, Estella, Ethan, Ethel, Eudora, Eugenie, Eureka, Evangeline, Everett
- F: Fallon, Fanta, Fancy, Faolan, Farrell, Faunia, Faylinn, Fearghus, Feather, Fez, Fieadh, Fiana, Fifi, Fig, Fiji, Fineen, Finn, Finna, Finnegan, Finnian, Finola, Fiona, Fitzgerald, Fitzwilliam, Flan, Flanerry, Flash, Fleur, Flint, Florian, Flynn, Forster, Frankie, Franny, Frost, Fuji
- G: Gabby, Gabin, Gandi, Gallagher, Galvin, Gandolf, Gannon, Garcia, Gargoyle, Garvey, Gaston, Gatsby, Genevieve, George, Ghost, Gide, Gigi, Gilmore, Gilroy, Gimli, Ginvra, Giselle, Gizmo, Gracy, Grady, Grits, Guinevere, Guitar, Gunner, Gus, GusGus, Guy
- H: Hadley, Hamlett, Hana, Harley, Harper, Harriet, Harry, Hart, Harte, Haus, Harvey, Haydee, Hazel, Heathcliff, Heaven, Hector, Heihei, Helene, Hemmingway, Hennessy, Henry, Henri, Hercules, Heremon, Hermione, Holden, Homer, Huckleberry, Hudson, Hugo, Hunter, Huxley
- I: Iago, Ian, Iana, Iggy, Ike, Isadora, Isla, Ila, India, Indie, Iva, Ivy, Izzy
- J: Jack, Jack-Jack, Jackie, Jacko, Jackson, Jacob, Jacques, Jacy, Jake, James, Jane, Japhy, Jarrell, Jarvis, Jasper, Jax, Jayce, Java, Jelly Bean, Jenks, Jenny, Jerzy, Jet, Jo, JoJo, Jocko, John, Jolene, Jolyon, Joseph, Jovi, Jude, Juliet, Juno, Jupiter
- K: Kai, Kairo, Kaiser, Kale, Kali, Kane, Kash, Kashi, Kassidy, Kathleen, Katniss, Kato, Kava, Keagan, Keaira, Keegan, Keelan, Keelin, Keeley, Keenan, Keeran, Keeva, Kegan, Keir, Keno, Keira, Keiran, Kella, Kellan, Kellan, Kellen, Kelly, Kellyn, Kelsea, Kenadie, Kennan, Kennedy, Kent, Kerouac, Kerra, Kerri, Kerry, Kesey, Kevin, Kevine, Kian, Kiandra, Kieara, Kieko, Kieran, Kieve, Kiki, Kiley, Killian, King, Kinley, Kinsey, Kiwi, Kiva, Kobe, Kody, Koko, Kokomo, Kya, Kyle, Kyra
- L: Lacy, Laird, Lalita, Langston, Lee, Legolas, Latte, Laurent, Lavinia, Lemuel, Lennon, Leo, Lex, Lexi, Leopold, Liam, Lightning, Lilac, Lilya, Lionel, Loch, Lochlyn, Logan, Loki, Lolita, London, Lou, Louie, Louis, Louisa, Lowell, Lola, Luc, Luca, Lucie, Lucky, Lucy, Luke, Lulu, Luna, Lux, Lyra
- M: Mac, Macon, Macy, Madden, Madeleine, Madigan, Mael, Maeve, Magee, Magnus, Mahon, Maili, Maire, Mairead, Maisie, Maki, Malone, Malta, Marcel, Margaux, Marigold, Marin, Marissa, Marius, Marley, Marlin, Marvin, Mason, Mathis, Matilda, Maui, Maura, Maureen, Maurice, Mave, Maya, Max, Maxwell, McKinley, McKenna, Mel, Melva, Mercy, Merida, Miach, Michael, Mickey, Mila, Milan, Millay, Millie, Milo, Mingus, Mini, Minnie, Minty, Mirabelle, Misha, Moana, Mochi, Molly, Monroe, Monty, Moose, Morey, Morna, Morrigan, Morrison, Moss, Moxy, Mulan, Munro, Muriel, Murphy, Murron, Myla, Myrna
- N: Nala, Naomi, Napolean, Nash, Neal, Ned, Neely, Neil, Nemo, Nenna, Neptune, Neruda, Nevaeh, Nevan, Neve, Nevin, Nevina, Newton, Niall, Nico, Ninetta, Nirvanna, Noah, Noel, Nola, Nolan, Noland, Nolen, Nora, Norman, Noreen, Norris, Nuala, Nugget
- O: Oana, Oakley, Oatie, Obi-Wan, Oceane, Odie, Oki, Olaf, Olivia, Olive, Oliver, Ollie, Opal, Oran, Oreo, Orion, Orlando, Ormond, Oscar, Otis, Otto, Owen, Ozzie
- P: Paco, Paddy, Pamela, Pansy, Paris, Parker, Pascal, Paz, Peach, Peanut, Pebbles, Penny, Perry, Petal, Peter, Peyton, Philippe, Phineas, Pheonix, Pickle, Piglet, Pilot, Pierre, Pip, Pippi, Pippin, Pixie, Plato, Plum, Pluto, Poe, Poochie, Pooh Bear, Potato, Portia, Precious, Prince, Princess, Princeton, Psalm, Pumpkin
- Q: Quade, Quin, Quinlan, Quintan
- R: Rain, Raja, Raleigh, Rambo, Ramona, Raphael, Reagan, Redmond, Reece, Reggie, Remy, Renny, Rex, Rhett, Rhys, Rian, Richard, Ricky, Rihanna, Riley, Ring, Rio, Ronald, Robert, Rocco, Rocky, Romain, Romeo, Ronan, Rory, Roscoe, Rosie, Rowen, Roxy, Rudy, Rue, Rufus, Ruger, Rusty, Raya, Ryan, Ryder, Rylee, Rylie
- S: Sabor, Sadie, Sage, Sai, Sailor, Saint, Sam, Sammy, Samson, Sandy, Sansa, Santiago, Saracha, Sasha, Sawyer, Scarlett, Scooter, Scout, Sebastian, Serge, Sethe, Shadow, Shakespeare, Shane, Shannan, Shannon, Shaw, Shay, Shea, Sheba, Sheila, Shelby, Silas, Sile, Simba, Sisco, Skye, Sloan, Snow, Sophie, Sparky, Spike, Sugar, Sullivan, Sunny, Stella, Stich, Swan, Sweeney, Sylvia, Sylvie
- T: Taco, TacoLu, Taki, Taft, Tank, Tara, Taro, Tavis, Taylor, Teagan, Teddy, Tessa, Tequila, Tex, Thanos, Thelma, Thisbe, Thomas, Thor, Thunder, Tia, Tiana, Tiger, TigerLili, Tigger, Tilly, Timber, Timothy, Tiny, Titania, Tito, Titus, Toffee, Tootsie, Toby, Todd, Topez, Torin, Toto, Tristan, Troy, Truffles, Truman, Tucker, Tulip, Tully, Trixie, Troy, Twain, Tweety, Twiggy, Twilight, Twinkie, Twix, Twyla, Tycoon, Tyra, Tyrone, Tyson
- U: Ulysses, Una, Utah
- V: Vader, Valentino, Vanilla, Velma, Velvet, Venice, Vera, Victoria, Vida, Vino, Viola, Violet, Virginia, Viper, Vivi, Vivian, Volt
- W: Waffle, Walker, Waverly, Wesley, West, Whiskey, Wilbur, Willa, William, Willow, Winston, Winter, Wolf, Woody
- X: Xander, Xantos, Xara, Xaro, Xavier, Xena
- Y: Yancey, Yara, Yeats, Yedi, Yoda, Yogi, Yoko, York, Yoshi, Yves
- Z: Zac, Zadie, Zane, Zara, Zazu, Zeus, Zeki, Zena, Zelda, Ziggy, Zipper, Zola, Zoe, Zoey, Zora, Zoro, Zulu
How Should You Choose the Best French Bulldog Name?
While it’s not easy to come up with a name for your new precious Frenchie, here are some tips for finding something suitable for them.

Was there a fun nickname in your family that you would like to carry on? Something you were called as a child? It’s a fun way to keep that tradition going.
Names Based on Appearance
Sometimes it’s right in front of you! Go with what describes their markings or colors, like Brownie, Coco, Latte, Onyx, Ebony, Noir, Snowflake, Sugar, Ivory, Tiger, etc. Have a huge dog, why not Tiny? Have some fun with it!
Celebrity Names
Have a favorite musician, author, or actor? What about an athlete or sports stadium? There have been many loyal fans who have named their dogs Fenway, Wrigley, Cher, Chewy, Elvis, Jeter, or Monroe, just to name a few. This is the time to show your fandom!
Look at Baby Names
Frenchies are your babies too! The cutest names can come straight from the pages of a baby book!
Food or Fun Object Names
French bulldogs are known for their playful and quirky personalities, so why not give them a name that reflects that? One popular trend in French bulldog names is to choose names inspired by food or fun objects.
For example, French Bulldog names like Peanut, Biscuit, Bacon, and Cupcake are all great options that evoke a sense of playfulness and lightheartedness.
Another fun option is to choose names that are inspired by objects, such as Kite, Ball, or Ping Pong. These names are not only fun and unique, but they also reflect the energetic and active nature of French bulldogs.
Other Factors to Keep in Mind When Considering French Bulldog Names
Here are a few other things you should keep in mind when choosing a forever name:
The Heritage of the Breed
Many owners like to stick to French names for their Frenchie to honor the history of the dog (shhh…little secret, French bulldogs originated in England!), which often suits their adorable faces and personalities. What is more adorable than a little Frenchie named Louis?
Ease for the Dog
Some people stick to one or two-syllable names for their dogs to make it easier for them to recognize their name when being called. If a dog has a name that is too long, it may be too confused to differentiate that word from other conversational tones creating confusion and frustration for both of you. This is, of course, a personal preference, but keep in mind Frenchies are known for being a little stubborn themselves!
Does the Dog Have a Name It Knows Already?
When dogs come from an established home, are retired by a breeder, or from a rescue, they often come with a name they’re already familiar with and have known their entire lives. While many will adjust to new names, take this into consideration when deciding on a new name for them.
What Common Commands Do People Use?
Common commands are sit, down, roll over, stay, heel, etc. Keep this in mind when thinking of names and how close your name will be for not only your commands, you’re giving your dog but others in public as well.
When you’re trying to call your dog, and you’re giving commands to another’s dog, or someone is giving a command and is calling your dog.
Would You Say That in Front of Your Grandmother?
While your Frenchie may not know the meaning of that name, the general public certainly will. Would you really want to scream that name in the street in the middle of the night when your dog has to use the restroom? If not, it’s probably a better idea to come up with something else.
Final Thoughts
Whatever name you choose for your Frenchie, they will surely bring you years of joy to come. Congratulations on the newest addition to your family!