The bad news is no; French Bulldogs are not hypoallergenic. Very few dog breeds are hypoallergenic. There are many people who, despite having an allergy to dogs, still get a French bulldog; I am one of them.
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to minimize your allergic reactions. Read on to discover what you can do if you are allergic to dogs and still want to get a cute French Bulldog.
Do you think you are allergic to pets?
Do you suffer from a running nose or sneezing when you visit someone who has a dog? Do you suffer from tearing red eyes when you are in one room with a rabbit? Is stroking a dog accompanied by wheezing? If you recognize these symptoms, you may be allergic to pets.

What exactly is a pet allergy?
When someone is allergic to, for example, dogs, there is often a reason to believe your allergic to the hair of a certain animal. But this is not correct. With an allergy to pets, the complaints are caused by a reaction to skin flakes (epithelium) and animal feathers. Allergens are also present in the saliva and urine of animals. Allergies are caused by inhaling allergens. An allergy to cats and dogs is the most common. Cat allergens are the strongest and, therefore, often cause symptoms. The cat’s allergens are so small that they can easily penetrate deep into the airways. You can also be allergic to other pets, such as rabbits and guinea pigs. An allergic reaction to birds is mainly caused by allergens from the canary, parakeets, parrots, and pigeons.
What symptoms occur with a pet allergy?
If you are allergic to pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, or even parrots, then you mainly suffer from complaints when you come into contact with the relevant animal. The complaints mainly occur in the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and lungs. Below you will find an overview of the most common allergy complaints.
Overview of symptoms of a dog allergy
The complaints mainly occur in the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and lungs. They express themselves in:
- Constant sneezing
- Fatigue
- Poor sleep
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Itchy and watery eyes
- Headache
- Eczema
- Asthma symptoms (difficulty in breathing, wheezing or coughing)
- Trouble breading after replacing/emptying the bag of your vacuum cleaner
Because a French bulldog isn’t hypoallergenic, you suffer from one or more of these symptoms.

Handy tips
Giving your dog a new home will not always be easy because of the emotional connection you have with your pet. This bond should not be underestimated, certainly not with children. In addition, research has shown that years after the pet is moved from the home, allergens are still found in the home; this is especially true for the cat allergen.
Ensure a smooth carpet in the living room and bedroom (parquet, tiles, laminate)
Provide minimal upholstered furniture, especially in the bedroom, and use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
Record smooth surfaces regularly with a damp cloth.
Try to keep the humidity in the house as low as possible, especially in autumn and winter.
Ensure good ventilation in your house each and every day.
Keep rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, and birds in their cages or outside as much as possible.
Don’t leave the dog in the bedroom.
Brush your dog regularly, preferably outside.
Washing your hands after touching the dog.
Allergy treatment
How can you relieve your allergy symptoms?
An allergy can have a significant impact on your functioning in daily life. For example, it can lead to a bad night’s sleep, absence due to sickness, or it can even lead to the development of asthma. It is, therefore, of great importance to treat allergies early and properly. An overview of possible treatment options can be found below. Because a French bulldog isn’t hypoallergenic, when you do decide to get one, the first one will not be possible…
Three possible allergy treatments
Before you can start with possible treatments, it must first be determined by a doctor that you do have an allergy. The treatment of your allergy can consist of three different parts, namely:
Remediation, or: avoiding allergens
Symptom control: this treatment often relieves the symptoms quickly
Allergy immunotherapy: a treatment that focuses on the cause of your allergy
Your treatment options at a glance
How your allergy is treated depends on many factors, such as the severity and duration of the complaints, the impact on your daily life, and your general health. The various treatment options have different working mechanisms. It depends on your complaints and how you react to different treatments to determine what suits you best. It is important to discuss these options with your doctor.
Remediation: limit or avoid exposure to allergens
By avoiding or limiting your exposure to the substance to which you are allergic, you can reduce the allergy symptoms. Pay attention because it is not possible to completely avoid allergens in the air, such as pollen and dust mites. In most cases, medical treatment is required to prevent and alleviate the symptoms.
Symptomatic drugs to relieve allergy symptoms
Drugs can provide rapid and short-term relief of the symptoms. Some drugs work throughout the body, while others primarily have a local effect (such as a nasal spray). This treatment often relieves the symptoms quickly.
Allergy immunotherapy
Allergy immunotherapy ensures that your body responds to a lesser extent to the moments when you are in contact with the allergens to which you are allergic. This treatment focuses on the cause of your allergy. It works by regularly administering the substance (the allergen) to which you are allergic for a longer period of 3 to 5 years. This way, your body builds tolerance for the substance that causes your allergy.
So there you have it, a French Bulldog is not hypoallergenic, but there are a lot of things you can do to avoid getting an allergy attack.
I avoid my Frenchie when he comes rubbing against me when I have no shirt on or if I have shorts on. I try to avoid petting him when he is shedding; this way, I avoid some allergy attacks, but I do still get them, especially 2 times a year when he sheds, but that’s about a few weeks, two times a year, so I live with it. Before purchasing him, I was doubting about getting a Frenchie because I knew I was allergic, but I still did, and I haven’t regretted it for a minute: