We all know and love French Bulldogs for their big personalities. And sometimes French Bulldogs show that big personality through vocalizations like barking, howling, or even growling!
But you might be asking yourself, why is my French Bulldog growling or even why is my French Bulldog growling at me?!
Well, there are many different reasons why a French Bulldog might growl, but chances are, if your beloved Frenchie is growling at you specifically, it’s simply because you did something wrong.
Did you prepare dinner on time? Or did you take your sock away from your Frenchie while he was busy chewing on it? Your Frenchie probably thinks you owe him an apology.
So, in addition to discussing our Frenchies’ big personalities and sometimes even bigger attitudes, today we’ll talk about some of the reasons a French Bulldog might growl.
What are some reasons a Frenchie might be growling?
A French Bulldog might growl because of feelings they have about various situations. They are little dogs, but they have big voices and have a lot to say.
Understanding why your French Bulldog is growling is essential to addressing the behavior. Keep reading to learn some of the possible reasons your French Bulldog might be growling.

As a warning
One of the first reasons a Frenchie might be growling is also one of the most common. This occurs when a French Bulldog feels that he or she must act as a protector of sorts or even as a watchdog.
If they see a stranger walking up to the front door, they may feel the need to growl to alter their owner and to let the person know that if they aren’t coming with good intentions, they should turn around and walk away.
French Bulldogs may growl out of fear when they encounter new places, people, situations, or unfamiliar objects. Although we don’t want our pets to be frightened, growling is a natural way for dogs to express their discomfort or displeasure in a situation.
For instance, if you introduce a new object, such as a plant, and your dog perceives it as scary, remind your dog that it’s harmless and offer treats to help your Frenchie relax.
Injury or pain
French Bulldogs may also growl when they are unwell, injured, or in pain. Anyone who has experienced pain knows that the natural reaction is to protect oneself and avoid touching where it hurts to avoid worsening the pain.
If your Frenchie growls when you try to help them with an injury, it’s probably because they are afraid of further pain, so it is best to leave them alone.
Jealous of other dogs or people
French Bulldogs are known to be a loyal and affectionate breed, often developing strong attachments to their owners. However, this strong bond can sometimes lead to jealousy, especially when they feel that their owner’s attention is diverted elsewhere.
This can result in growling or other vocalizations as a way to express their displeasure. For instance, if you’re petting another dog and not giving your Frenchie attention, they may growl at you and the other dog to convey their discontent.

Trying to show dominance
French Bulldogs may growl as a way of displaying dominance, especially when they feel threatened or challenged by other dogs or humans. This behavior can be their means of asserting authority and conveying that they are in control.
It’s important to understand that growling doesn’t necessarily indicate aggression but is a way for them to express their emotions and communicate their intentions.
When French Bulldogs growl, it can indicate that they are feeling stressed or anxious, or they may be trying to establish their boundaries and tell people or other dogs to give them space.
Some common causes of stress in French Bulldogs can include changes in their environment, such as moving to a new home or being introduced to new people or animals, as well as medical issues or discomfort.

Resource guarding
Resource guarding is a protective instinct that dogs have developed over time to safeguard their valuable possessions, such as food, toys, and bedding. Even people can be seen as a resource in the eyes of a Frenchie.
When a French Bulldog feels threatened or insecure about its resources, it may growl to warn others to back off.
It is often their way of saying, “This is mine, and I am willing to protect it.” French Bulldogs may also growl to defend their personal space or territory, particularly if they feel that their boundaries are being encroached upon.
As owners, it’s important to work with our French Bulldogs to address any resource-guarding behavior and teach them to share and be less possessive over their belongings.

Growling during play
During playtime, French Bulldogs may growl to express their excitement, engage their playmates, or assert their dominance in the game. Along with growling, playful behaviors such as jumping, wagging tails, and running around are also typical.
It’s important to distinguish between playful growling and aggressive growling, which is usually low-pitched, prolonged, and accompanied by other warning signs such as snarling, baring teeth, and stiffening of the body.
As long as the growling is playful and accompanied by other playful behaviors, it is a natural aspect of a French Bulldog’s play style.
How to stop a French Bulldog from growling
French Bulldogs use growling as a means of communication. It is a way of expressing their discomfort or displeasure with a particular situation, person, or dog. Sometimes though, it can be simply a vocalization they make when they are excited and feeling playful.
However, in most cases, if growling is not addressed, it can escalate into more aggressive behaviors. It is essential to identify the root cause of its behavior in order to stop a French Bulldog from growling. Once the cause is determined, try to avoid triggers and reward positive behavior with treats, praise, and affection.
It is crucial to never punish or harm the dog physically for growling, as this can lead to more significant problems.
If the growling persists, seek professional help from a certified dog trainer or behaviorist to develop a behavior modification plan and learn effective communication techniques with your dog.
By addressing the underlying cause of the growling and using positive reinforcement, you can help your French Bulldog become a happy, well-behaved family member.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my French Bulldog growling at me?
There could be several reasons why your French Bulldog is growling at you, including fear, pain, jealousy, stress, or even trying to show dominance. Identifying the specific cause is essential to address the behavior appropriately.
Is it normal for French Bulldogs to growl during play?
Yes, growling during play is normal for French Bulldogs. It is a way for them to express their excitement, engage their playmates, or establish their dominance in the game. As long as the growling is playful and accompanied by other playful behaviors, it is a normal part of a Frenchie’s play style.
How can I stop my French Bulldog from growling?
To stop your French Bulldog from growling, first identify the root cause of the behavior. Once the cause is determined, try to avoid triggers and reward positive behavior with treats, praise, and affection. If the growling persists, seek professional help from a certified dog trainer or behaviorist to develop a behavior modification plan.
Is growling always a sign of aggression in French Bulldogs?
No, growling is not always a sign of aggression in French Bulldogs. It can be a way for them to communicate their emotions or intentions, and it can also be a playful behavior during playtime. However, aggressive growling is typically low-pitched, prolonged, and accompanied by other warning signs such as snarling, baring teeth, and stiffening of the body.
Can fear cause a French Bulldog to growl?
Yes, fear can cause a French Bulldog to growl. When scared, sometimes a dog’s defense mechanism is to growl as a way to communicate their discomfort or displeasure with a particular situation.
Are French Bulldogs prone to resource guarding and growling?
French Bulldogs may exhibit resource guarding and growling when they feel threatened or insecure about their valuable possessions, such as food, toys, and bedding. As owners, it’s important to work with our French Bulldogs to address any resource-guarding behavior and teach them to share and be less possessive over their belongings.